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Baby & Toddler Play: Ice Painting

Ice Painting is one of my favourite activities, because it really involves minimal things and yet seems so novel at the same time. The only drawback is that it's not instant, the ice does need to be frozen for a minimum of 4-6 hours (explaining this to a toddler once you've made the paints, isn't the easiest). But once it's ready, you're good to go, and I guarantee your little one will be so entertained by how the paint melts.

I have two methods for this, one is taste-safe and therefore fine for baby, and one is non-taste safe, for toddlers, which has more depth of colour. 

For Baby taste-safe Ice Paint you will need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • red, yellow, green, and blue food colouring
  • popsicle sticks
  • ice cube tray

Pour water into each individual ice cube in the tray, and put a splash of food colour in each one, before putting a popsicle stick to rest in the water (don't worry if it floats to the surface, it should still freeze well).

For Toddler Ice Paint you will need:

  • paints
  • water
  • popsicle sticks
  • ice cube tray

In your ice cube tray, pour in your paint, filling around half of each individual cube with paint, and add a splash of water to take the ice cube to full, mixing well before adding a popsicle stick to rest in each cube.

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